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Hey, do you know how Las Animas County in SW Colorado got its name? It's a pretty cool story that goes back to when the Spanish were looking for a city of gold in the 1500s. Here's the scoop.


Las Animas means "the souls" in Spanish, and it's about a bunch of explorers who were sent by this guy Juan de Oñate, who was the boss of New Spain, to find a place called Quivira that was supposed to be full of gold. They followed the Arkansas River east, hoping to get to the Great Plains where Quivira was supposed to be.

But they had a lot of trouble on the way, like angry natives, bad weather, and not enough food. A lot of them died or ran away, and only a few made it to where Colorado and Kansas meet. There, they found out that Quivira was just a myth, and they decided to go back to New Mexico.

But going back was even harder, because they had to go through the mountains and canyons of southern Colorado. They got attacked by Apaches and Comanches, who didn't like them being there. A lot more of them died, and some were taken and hurt.

The ones who made it got to a place where the Purgatoire River meets the Arkansas River, near La Junta. There, they put up a wooden cross and wrote their names on it, to remember their friends who died. They also called the river El Rio de las Animas Perdidas en Purgatorio, which means "The River of the Lost Souls in Purgatory".

The name stuck, and later became Las Animas. The county that was made around the river in 1866 also took the name, to honor the brave but unlucky explorers who first came to this land.

So, next time you're in Las Animas County, remember that it's named after some guys who went on a wild goose chase for gold and ended up in purgatory. Talk about bad luck!



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